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First Peoples House (FPH)

The First Peoples House (FPH) contains:

  • Office of Indigenous Academic & Community Engagement
  • Indigenous Student Services
  • Indigenous Counselling
  • ceremonial hall
  • Elders' rooms
  • classrooms and offices

Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ report for FPH.



FPH opened on January 25, 2010. It was designed by Alfred Waugh Architect of Vancouver in the Coast Salish style.

The ceremonial hall was built with Coast Salish Long House design in mind. The hall has carved cedar posts on the exterior and a fireplace and wood bleachers inside. The corridor outside of the hall features a gallery of Indigenous art and artifacts.

FPH includes a green roof, storm retention pond and natural ventilation. The site has been landscaped with native trees and vegetation, including Garry oak and Douglas-fir trees.

Alfred Waugh, Chipweyan (Fond du lac Band), of Alfred Waugh Architect in Vancouver, was raised in Yellowknife, NWT. He was encouraged by his mother, herself of Chipweyan descent, to make a positive contribution to Indigenous people through his work.

In November 2010, the Western Red Cedar Architectural Design Awards recognized First Peoples House as one of the best Western Red Cedar architectural designs in the world.