Video: Homecare panel discussion featuring Andre Picard

A screenshot of the title screen of a talk called "Meager & Piecemeal: How to improve Canada's home care services." There is green and grey text on a white background, with a pencil drawing of human figures stretching and then walking up a staircase to a house.
Meager and Piecemeal: How to Improve Canada's Homecare Services

You can now watch a YouTube video of Meager & Piecemeal: How to improve Canada's home care services.

What is the current state of home care, here in Canada, and around the world? How can we learn, improve, and move forward while in a state of constant crises, in the midst of a global pandemic?

Join this panel discussion with:
Invited guest André Picard, Canadian Journalist, The Globe and Mail;
Dr. Damien Contandriopoulos, Professor, University of Victoria;
Dr. Kelli Stajduhar, Professor, University of Victoria; and
Cynthia Yamamoto, Graduate Fellow, University of Manitoba.

Co-hosted by the UVic School of Nursing and Institute on Aging & Lifelong Health.

Project grant funding provided by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, "Tackling the Home Care Challenge", Co-PIs Kelli Stajduhar & Damien Contandriopoulos.