CISUR announces new director

Dr. Tim Naimi of Boston University joins CISUR in August 2020

After a lengthy international search, CISUR is pleased to announce that Dr. Tim Naimi will be CISUR’s new director as of August 2020. Currently, Dr. Naimi is a physician and alcohol epidemiologist at Boston Medical Center (BMC), and a Professor with the Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health.

“We are delighted to be able to welcome Tim and his family to Victoria this coming August and excited to see the new directions in which he will take CISUR,” says Tim Stockwell, outgoing CISUR director, who will remain on staff as a scientist.

Tim Naimi has been a collaborating scientist with CISUR since 2017 and has worked with several CISUR researchers on various projects.

“I can’t wait to join such a fun and talented group doing such important work,” says Naimi.