CAPPA - 2023 National Student Case Competition

The School of Public Administration has registered as a participant in the competitions, and are pleased that we have some very good potential team members already expressing interest. 

If you are interested in joining our SPA Team for the 2023 CAPPA National Case Competition:
  • send an email to Robert Lapper ( with your resumé and a list of  the courses you have completed to date in your program by Tuesday, November 1, at 4:30 pm.  

    • In the email, please state why you are interested and identify what you might  bring to the team. You do not need to write a separate cover letter.  

Background to the Competition:

For additional information on the case competition and examples of cases from previous competitions, please see the CAPPA website - Case Competitions.

Dr. Kim Speers participated in a similar case competition in 1996 when she was in her MPA program at Carleton. She describes it as a” highlight of the program” for her – learning so much related to teamwork and policy analysis and greatly expanding her network including people with whom she remains in touch to this day.

What will this involve? – Time and content

It is difficult to give a specific number of hours for an exact time commitment, but from the first week in January until the competition in mid-February, we can expect to put in approx. 5-7 hours per week. The faculty team will be able to give you a better idea of the time commitment once we receive information from CAPPA (expected to receive within the next week or two).

In reviewing what students are required to do to analyse the case, the components are central to what we teach in many of our courses and you will likely be familiar with the following areas of focus:

  • Problem identification
  • Research/Analysis of issues
  • Identification of risks, opportunities and complexities
  • Desired outcome and policy approach Issues of implementation and suggested course of action (including financial implications)
  • Issues of communication, collaboration and stakeholders and suggested courses of action

All meetings including preparation and the competition itself will be held virtually via Zoom or Teams.

This is a real opportunity to enhance case analysis skills in an enriched, collaborative and fun environment and we encourage you to consider taking advantage of it.

Our 2022 SPA Case Competition Team

(top left and then clockwise; Fion Lai (MPAO), Cora Larkins (MACD/EVAL), Carol Moreno (MPAO), Mercedes Mosavi (MPA)
