Leading Practices for Resource Benefit Sharing and Development with Indigenous Communities

Dr. Tamara Krawchenko has contributed to an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Regional Development paper on Leading practices for resource benefit sharing and development for and with Indigenous communities.

Benefit sharing agreements are privately negotiated and legally enforceable agreements that establish formal relationships between Indigenous communities and industry proponents. Benefit or resource sharing funds are agreements wherein revenues collected by governments from specific activities (e.g., to taxes, royalties, penalties, permits and other fees) and/or royalties and payments from firms are shared with Indigenous peoples and/or communities. Both can be a major economic development opportunity for Indigenous communities and nations, but existing practices show mixed (and often unknown) results due to confidentiality requirements.

This paper synthesizes literature and leading practices from across OECD countries and reflects on how benefit sharing funds and agreements can be better structured in support of Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.


 OECD Regional Development Papers No. 1