Review of UVic Privacy, Records Management and Information Security Policies

Over the past year the Chief Privacy Officer, University Systems and University Archives have undertaken a review of targeted existing Privacy, Records Management and Information Security policies and procedures; and identification of gaps in UVic policies and procedures when compared to peer universities.

The following recommendations were identified: 

  1. Amendments to the policies and procedures;
  2. Development of Privacy Impact Assessment Guidelines; 
  3. Development of internal guidelines for use of cloud-based technology; and
  4. Confirmation of the privacy complaint process.

The recommendations are being implemented in a coordinated phased approach.  Phase 1 will focus on suggested amendments to the Protection of Privacy Policy and Records Management Policy including the development of Imaging procedures.  Below for your feedback and consult are draft revised versions of the policies and procedures:

Protection of Privacy Policy (GV0235)

Records Management Policy (IM7700)

Imaging Procedures (to be added to the Records Management policy).

If you wish to provide feedback, please email Kyle McNeill at