Dr. Ross Thompson Lansdowne Lecture

Professor Ross Thompson is Director, Chair of Water Science and an ARC Future Fellow in the Institute for Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra. Ross is a freshwater ecologist with interests in the study of biodiversity and the restoration of landscapes. His fundamental research is in food web ecology; seeking the rules that determine how natural communities assemble and persist. His applied research addresses the ways in which food webs can be influenced by anthropogenic factors including urbanisation, land clearance, pharmaceutical contamination, river flow diversion and restoration, and invasion. He has an active research program on aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem function in urban and rural landscapes. Ross has published more than 80 papers, 10 book chapters and more than 200 scientific reports. He sits on the Australian Research Council College of Experts and has recently stepped down from the NZ Marsden Panel. His work has strong links to government and industry, and Ross sits on a number of senior technical advisory panels for local, state and federal research programs.

You are invited to attend this free lecture:

Beyond conservation: facing the reality of biodiversity in a human-dominated world

Friday, February 24, 2017 | 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

David Strong Building, Room C116

Lansdowne Lecture poster.  Events calendar.