Call for Papers

For the scheduled publication of Volume VIII in the Spring of 2005

Sophia is published in cooperation with the Philosophy Students' Union at the University of Victoria for students to share work amongst peers.

We invite students who are presently registered as undergraduates at a Canadian university or college to submit works of a philosophical nature which are to be no more than 4000 words.

Please include with your submission your name, e-mail address, home address, phone number, a title, date the essay was written, what class it was written for (if any), and your major.

In order for us to consider your submission please provide us with a printed copy (double spaced, single sided, numbered pages) of your essay as well as a copy of your essay on a 3.5" disk (Microsoft Word format.)

Please mail your submission to the address on the main page of this Sophia site.

Deadline: January 31, 2005

Revised 6 August 2004